Hindsight and Foresight

Suitable for the backwards/forwards looking nature of January, I’ve titled the painting completed last week ‘Hindsight’. Here’s a better quality photo of it (taken with both daylight and studio lighting)

Looking forward, I’ve created a new series of images to work from, and I made a start today. The underpainting is in Burnt Umber and Prussian Blue – my ‘go to’ shadow colours. I find it fascinating how little visual information needs to be provided in order to get the suggestion of faces and expressions. The direction of the gaze of our protagonists is very important in this image. I think I’ve made a reasonable start to get the intensity already.

In the foreseeable future, I hope to be getting back to more regular studio sessions. I’ve been able to make more visits, including Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Have a look at my Instagram for photos, and for Daily Drawings.
Stay safe and thanks for looking.

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